//Valdosta Mayor has lunch with six graders

Valdosta Mayor has lunch with six graders

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VALDOSTA – Valdosta Mayor Scott James Matheson and City Manager Mark Barber had a visit from Scintilla Charter Academy sixth-grade students.


On November 3, Mayor Scott James Matheson, alongside City Manager Mark Barber, had a visit from sixth-grade students from Scintilla Charter Academy. The students had the opportunity to provide feedback and ideas to the mayor about revitalization ideas for the downtown district around Olympic Park.

“The students are amazing with these bigger-than-life ideas to revitalize our downtown area. I am truly honored to have that time with them and hear their vision for their community,” said Mayor Scott James Matheson.

Each student received lunch after touring with the Mayor and City Manager. 

“It was a true honor to spend time with these bright students from Scintilla. They are Valdosta’s future, and this opportunity allowed us to hear from them and their ideas,” said City Manager Mark Barber.