//Hero Mobile visits Valdosta Public Safety Departments

Hero Mobile visits Valdosta Public Safety Departments

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Michelle Ladd is on the road to help veterans, one community at a time. It’s a mission she is passionate about as she takes her RV around the nation decked out in Red, White, and Blue.

Ladd visited the Valdosta Police and Fire Departments on Thursday, March 11, to meet the city’s first responders and talk to them about PTSD, suicide prevention, and drug and alcohol-related issues, as well as services and resources available to them.

“We work with military, veterans, police, firefighters and EMS teams to let them know we care so much about them and if they need someone to talk to or need some type of resources we communicate with the local community and try to find help for them,” said Ladd.

Ladd is the mother of two veterans – one of which is a combat veteran who became a firefighter and had struggles of his own, inspiring her to start this organization. “I decided it was time for me to branch out, travel the country and thank veterans for their services and see if there is anything I can do to assist them,” said Ladd.

Ladd calls her campaign “Operation 22 to Zero.” The number 22 stands for the number of veterans who commit suicide every day. Since September 11, 2018, the Hero Mobile has traveled to more than 30 States and more than 85,000 miles, reaching thousands of heroes. This outreach has enabled the organization to meet individuals and groups in the fully equipped RV offering comfort, confidentiality, support, resources, and tissues for the emotions of the hero and their loved ones.

Ladd says the information isn’t just for veterans or active duty first responders. She says there is work for the community to do as well.

“I want citizens to know that these men and women protect and serve us. They put their lives on the line for us every day. They have a lot that they have to deal with; they see a lot and have to do a lot. It can affect their mental health. We need to know we can all make a difference. I encourage people to call someone they know serving and check on them from time to time,” said Ladd.

To learn more about the Hero Mobile, you can visit nationalveteranresources.com or call 888-526-5552.