//Deadline to register to vote in run-off: Today

Deadline to register to vote in run-off: Today

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Today is the last day to register to vote in the January 5th election for Georgia’s two U.S. Senate run-offs.

Of note, those that did not vote in the November 3rd election are eligible to register and vote in the run-off, according to state law.

At stake are two hotly contested senate seats, with Republican incumbants David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler trying to hold off the challenges of Democrats Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock. None of the candidates won a majority of the votes in the November 3rd general election, which triggered the January 5th run-off.

At stake are the two seats that determine the majority of the Senate. If either Loeffler or Perdue are victorious, the Republicans retain the majority. If both seats flip to the Democratic candidates, the Senate will be split equally and any deciding vote would fall to Vice-President elect Kamala Harris.

Voters can check whether they’re registered online on the state’s My Voter Page at www.mvp.sos.ga.gov.

To be eligible to register to vote in Georgia, you must be a citizen, legal resident and more than 17 1/2 years old (though you can’t vote until you’re 18). In addition, you can’t be serving a sentence for conviction of a felony or found mentally incompetent by a judge. The secretary of state’s office recently clarified that people who have completed their felony sentences but still owe court fees or restitution can register to vote.

Register to vote online if you have a valid Georgia driver’s license or identification card at registertovote.sos.ga.gov.

Print and mail a voter registration application if you don’t have a Georgia driver’s license or state ID. Paper applications can be printed from the Georgia secretary of state office’s website at sos.ga.gov/admin/files/GA_VR_APP_2019.pdf.

Registration forms are also available at the Lowndes County Board of elections, located at 2808 N. Oak Street.