//Team Winnersville ALS Walk set for July 15

Team Winnersville ALS Walk set for July 15

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VALDOSTA – The Team Winnersville ALS Walk is set for Saturday, July 15, and organizsers are hoping to raise awareness and funding for the ALS Association, the only organization devoted to finding a cure for the debilitating disease.

The one mile walk will happen at the Lowndes High School track. Check in will begin at 9 a.m., and the walk will begin at 10 a.m. All of the money raised will benefit The ALS Association of Georgia and the 2017 Atlanta Walk to Defeat ALS.

Organizers have set a goal for this year’s walk at $10,000 and are currently seeking sponsors to help us reach it.

“We are offering different sponsor levels with different benefits. Some examples include signs and banners with the company name or logo, company logos on our walk t-shirt and also being able to bring a tent and promote your company,” said Leighann Hagen.

The cost to register is free.

Visit http://web.alsa.org/goto/TeamWinnersville2017 and click on “Join Team” at the top. We are offering a free t-shirt at the gate for all of the people who register and raise $25 on their page.

“On the day of the event, we plan to have raffle drawings for prizes donated by some of our sponsors, music, a photo area to take pictures with your team, face painting and more,” Hagen said. “We are really hoping the community will get behind us and show up for this event. Our biggest goal for this event is that it will become an annual event and grow larger every year until we can find a cure.”