//Kendrick Johnson Family Sues School District

Kendrick Johnson Family Sues School District

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Source: Family Photo
Source: Family Photo

VALDOSTA, GA – The parents of Kendrick Johnson are suing the Lowndes County School System.

According to CNN, the family is suing the Lowndes County School System due to negligence and the failure to protect their son from harassment and bullying, which they say lead to Kendrick’s death.

Kendrick Johnson was found dead in a rolled up gym may at Lowndes High School in January of 2013. Investigators said the death was an accident, saying Johnson reached for a shoe in the mat and got stuck.

An independent pathologist, hired by the family, determined Johnson died from “unexplained, apparent non-accidental blunt force trauma.”

The family is still waiting for the results of a federal investigation into Johnson’s death.

Source: WALB, CNN