//Valdosta High School Class Of 1983 Reunion

Valdosta High School Class Of 1983 Reunion

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vhs-catsSeptember 20, 2013 – 6:00 pm Tailgate Party in Drexel Park (VHS Homecoming Game)

September 21, 2013 – 7:00 Cocktail Hour – 8:00 Dance @ Holiday Inn Conference Center

Tickets for the reunion are $50.00 classmate or $75.00 couple. The ticket price includes food/drink at the Tailgate Party, Ticket to the Homecoming Football Game, and the Dance @ The Holiday Inn (Heavy Hors’douvres and Cash Bar)

An e-mail account has been setup at vhsclassof1983@gmail.com for any questions you may have.

Payments can be made on Paypal @ mandy.kent.rowe@gmail.com. We will accept partial payments but the full payment deadline is August 31, 2013. Please include a note with your name.

Checks can be mailed to:

Mandy Rowe

4078 Northlake Drive

Valdosta, GA 31602