//Horse Tests Positive For EEE In Brooks County

Horse Tests Positive For EEE In Brooks County

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HorseQuitman, GA – One positive case of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) has been confirmed by the Georgia Department of Agriculture in a horse found in Brooks County. This is the first positive case of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) in a horse in South Georgia this year.

 About EEE

 EEE is the inflammation or swelling of the brain caused by the eastern equine encephalitis virus. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, EEE is regarded as one of the most serious mosquito-borne diseases in the United States.

A bite from an infected mosquito can transmit the EEE virus to humans and horses; however, the illness is rare in humans. The virus usually only circulates amongst birds and mosquitoes in swampy areas. EEE is not transmitted from person to person, horse to horse or horse to human.

 Symptoms of EEE

 Although most people bitten by a mosquito carrying EEE will not get sick, those that are infected will likely show symptoms within 3 to 10 days. The symptoms of EEE are sudden onset of fever, muscle pains and headaches; many will also experience more severe illness that may include seizures and coma.

 Protection Methods

People are encouraged to take precautions when outdoors. Anyone that is outdoors should do all they can to protect themselves and others from the bites of mosquitoes. Your personal mosquito protection efforts should include the “5 D’s” for prevention:

  • Dusk/Dawn: Mosquitoes carrying West Nile Virus (WNV) usually bite at dusk and dawn. Limit outdoor activity during those hours.
  • Dress: Wear light, loose-fitting, long-sleeved shirts and pants to reduce the amount of exposed skin.
  • DEET: Cover exposed skin and clothes with an insect repellent containing the chemical DEET. It is the most effective repellent against mosquito bites.
  • Drain: Empty any containers (buckets, barrels, kiddie pools) holding standing water to prevent breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
  • Doors: Make sure doors, windows and screens are in good condition and fit tightly to keep out mosquitoes.

Horses should be vaccinated against EEE and WNV annually at a veterinarian’s office.

For more information on EEE visit the CDC here or call the South Health District at 333-5290.