//Floyd Rose Flips, Calls On LCSO To Answer Questions In Johnson Case

Floyd Rose Flips, Calls On LCSO To Answer Questions In Johnson Case

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Valdosta, GA- Less than 96 hours after a GBI report deemed the death of 17-year old Kendrick Johnson a ‘tragic accident,’ Pastor Floyd Rose said the case needed to end, and called on the community to ‘move on.’ Fast forward to today, and Rose has drastically changed his tune.

In the wake of a CNN report that aired on Saturday, Rose is now calling on the Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office and Sheriff Chris Prine to ‘lay out the factual evidence’ and address the contradictions between an EMT report and his initial statement that no foul play was found.

In the letter, Rose writes that ‘until your department produces all of the evidence that was used to determine that Kendrick Johnson’s death was an accident…questions will be asked, and the doubts will remain.’

The full text of the letter can be found below.


May 25, 2013

An Open Letter to Sheriff Prine:

It is not likely that this will mean anything coming from me, but there are some of us who love this city, its people, and are tired of seeing this community needlessly torn apart. We only want the truth, whatever it is, in the Kendrick Johnson case.

If, as was stated by CNN, the case is closed, why can’t you, or your investigators, lay out all of the factual evidence; the mat, the clothes, the shoes, the socks, and explain in sequence what likely happened, including why the Coroner, Bill Watson, was not called immediately, as demanded by Georgia law; explain why he said that the inner diameter of the mat was 14-16 inches, and Kendrick Johnson’s shoulders were 19 inches across. And, explain the apparent contradictions between the paramedics’ report, and your original statement.

Why, after the Coroner talked candidly with CNN, he would then asked the reporter not to air their interview. All of this adds to the suspicion of this family and the community.

Then there is the photo: Where did the disfigured picture of Kendrick Johnson’s face come from; was it taken before or after the autopsy report was done? Were there other photos? What about the video of Kendrick going into the gym, etc.

Until your department produces all of the evidence that was used to determine that Kendrick Johnson’s death was an accident, and nothing more, the above questions will be asked, and the doubts will remain.

Only you can stop this; that is, if there is nothing to hide.

Respectfully yours,

Floyd Rose