//FL Rep: Gun Control Advocates Have No ‘Chance To Be Heard’

FL Rep: Gun Control Advocates Have No ‘Chance To Be Heard’

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FL state capitolGun control advocates in Tallahassee are crying foul after a bill that calls for the state to revisit its controversial ‘Stand Your Ground’ law has yet to be brought up, while bills supported by the NRA are getting pushed through the state legislature.

Rep. Cynthia Stafford introduced the bill which would make it harder to claim the ‘stand your ground’ defense. She says that bill has never seen the light of day- however, those supported by NRA lobbyists are getting hearings in committee. One revises background checks to include mental illnesses. Another would give principals the power to allow guns on campus.

The latter requires just 40 hours of training- the same as an armed security guard.

Read more from WCTV here.