//Global Day of Parenting recognizes parents sacrifices

Global Day of Parenting recognizes parents sacrifices

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VALDOSTA – Global Day of Parenting celebrates the sacrifices that Valdosta parents make in raising children.


Diana Reyes remembers holding her newborn in her arms. As a new mother, she couldn’t help but imagine the milestones ahead – her baby’s first steps, getting a driver’s license as a teenager, high school graduation.

Then she thought of everything she and her husband would do to help their child reach these milestones. “We remember crying from the emotional joy of having a child together. Then fear struck us with the thought of all the responsibility. Then we asked ourselves if we would be capable the bring up our children as good future citizens and who would be guided by the Bible to make wise decisions in their lives. Our children will not always be near us so how could we not be concerned for their future and challenges they would have to face on their own such as when they star going to school, then working, just as we grew up also.,” Valdosta resident said. “I knew we were going to need some help.”

The Reyes’s are among the billions who take on the behind-the-scenes hard, and often stressful, work of rearing children. No wonder many find parenthood overwhelming, even daunting.

Recognizing the critical role of parents, the United Nations has even established a Global Day of Parents on June 1 to appreciate their self-sacrificing commitment and nurturing.

A Bible-based website is helping thousands of dedicated parents around the world get better at what they do.

“I’m amazed how we can easily access a whole library of information useful for daily living,” said Oscar Reyes “The free content has helped us with the challenges of being parents and has made our family become stronger and happier. We appreciate so much the many lessons that the Caleb and Sofia videos teach us. The videos are perfect, some around 2 minutes, this short video truly holds our children’s attention and then we can talk about what they understood from it.

We just smile with our lips and our hearts, as we hear their personal expressions, it is such a joy to hear them. We will never want to forget these precious moments. We are so grateful for this provision on JW.ORG. We just look under videos then search for Family and or Children. We do not have teenagers yet, but no doubt the series of videos for teenagers will be a great help.”

Articles such as:

  • Fulfilling Your Role as a Parent.
  • How to Be a Good Dad.
  • What Makes a Good Parent?

are among the 22 million daily downloads of digital content from jw.org, the official website of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The website offers free videos, audio recordings and articles on various topics based on the time-tested practical advice from the Scriptures.

The global nonprofit organization of Bible educators emphasizes strengthening family bonds.
Parents and children are encouraged to congregate together at their places of worship called Kingdom Halls, participate in a volunteer ministry, designate weekly family time and engage in wholesome recreation.

“Parents have the power to strengthen the bonds of love within their families,” said Anthony Santana, local spokesperson for Jehovah’s Witnesses. “Strong families make strong communities. Our places of worship are where parents and their children can learn how to not only be good Christians but also successful citizens. To see so many families applying what they learn from the Bible to their household ,brings so much joy to these families and it encourages those whose children are grown and some who are contemplating having a family of their own one day.”

To read the articles listed in this story and any related content, please visit jw.org and type the article’s title in the search box.