//Not That Kind of Mom

Not That Kind of Mom

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This week I have been super lazy. I’m 38 weeks pregnant and not in the mood to even put on socks under my shoes.

Garrett has picked up my slack lately – and the one task I actually want to do weekly, which is writing this blog for you guys, I haven’t even completed.

By the end of this I will have completed it, but you understand.

To make things easier, I went to Google and typed in “mom blog ideas.” Here’s the list Google gave me from a blog titled On Blast Blog: 

  1. The Reality of Parenting Failures. 
  2. Raising Kids in the Age of the Internet.
  3. Activities for Kids That Moms Can Enjoy. 
  4. How to Respond to Bullying. 
  5. Making Time For Self-Care. 
  6. Life-Saving Mom Products.

Great topics and all but…

I don’t want to tell you when I fail…

My kid can’t use the internet…

The most activity Grafton gets these days is 45 minutes at the park and a show on the couch while I cook dinner…

Self-care?..What’s that?

And if I ever come across a mom product that can save my life y’all will be the first to know. 

I’m not bashing these ideas I’m simply telling you guys I’m just not that kind of mom. I envy the moms that wake up, put on a face of makeup, rock a messy bun and have professional photos taken as they cook dinner. I envy the moms that can go to restaurants without an army of toys, or the moms that don’t step on Little People figurines on their way to the bathroom at night, I really do. 

I was raised as the youngest of five girls. Growing up my mother was extremely prideful. We didn’t leave the house with dirty faces or mismatched outfits. To this day my mother still threatens to wash my mouth out and makes me change if she sees me in a dress too short. So what happened to me? Why am I not that kind of mom? I have the time to shower and throw on a cute outfit, Garrett has a nice camera to take photos of me out and about, and I have great opinions on birth, raising kids, etc. 

But like I said, I’m not that kind of mom. I don’t want a camera capturing my outfit of the day, I don’t want a video documenting how to put together a stroller, and I don’t want to spend my time over the next few weeks cleaning my house instead of kissing my husband or cuddling with my son. 

With that being said, I’m going to go put on some pants, throw Grafton in the car and take him to go get a gourmet sandwich, aka Jimmy Johns. Cause that’s my style and I think this family is pretty fun just the way we are.

So readers, I decided I’m going to leave my next blog up to you guys, what would you like me to write about?