//Robots and Community Partners Inspire Future Engineers

Robots and Community Partners Inspire Future Engineers

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robots 3HAHIRA — Students at Hahira Middle School are gaining problem solving skills through robotics and being rewarded by Community Partners in Education. While in the Engineering and Technology class, taught by Mr. Greg Terry, students are given a variety of challenges that require them to work together as a team to build and program a mindstorm nxt robot.  The challenges are designed to be fun and to encourage students to pursue careers in engineering.

Recently, the students programmed their robots to search for a Pepsi can using an ultrasonic sensor. Once the Pepsi was discovered, the robot had to drive forward and bump the can with a touch sensor which caused the robot to stop moving. Students that completed the challenge were awarded a Pepsi.

A second challenge gave the students an opportunity to earn a chicken a sandwich. The students were asked to have their robot challenge another robot in an old fashion “chicken fight” with a twist. As the robots faced off, they both used a light sensor to follow a tape line as they traveled toward each other. However, before crashing, one robot would detect the other bot with the ultrasonic sensor and quickly get off course to avoid the crash. Thanks to the generosity of Chick-fil-A on St. Augustine road, students were rewarded for completing this difficult challenge with a tasty sandwich to go along with their Pepsi.

The final challenge, sponsored by Advanced Disposal, will require the students to design an automatic compost dumper. The students will create a mock company complete with logos, business cards, a website and a thirty second commercial all designed to promote sales of their product. Completed projects are presented to a client through an oral presentation and judged for an overall winner. The Engineering and Technology class is always looking for donors to help inspire our future engineers. If you would like to get involved, please email Mr. Terry at gregterry@lowndes.k12.ga.us.

Lynne Wilson: Director of CTAE and Public Relations