Calhoun State Prison Contraband Interception

Georgia Department of Corrections Press Release: FORSYTH, Ga. – In 2017, the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) began utilizing local county Sheriff’s Officers to help with fighting contraband coming into the facilities. The Sheriff’s Officers…

Girl Scouts Beyond Bars

Georgia Department of Corrections Press Release: FORSYTH, Ga. – In September 2017, the Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia began a pilot program at Lee Arrendale State Prison, offering offenders the opportunity to participate in Girl Scouts…

Alarm Alerts Staff to Drug-Carrying Drone at Autry…

Georgia Department of Corrections: FORSYTH, Ga. -- On December 4 at 11:53 p.m., the DroneTracker alarm, a newly piloted system, at Autry State Prison (SP) sounded. While there was no sighting of a drone by staff;…