//Business School | Reclaim Your Free Time

Business School | Reclaim Your Free Time

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HBR940Harvard Business Review:

There are 168 hours in a week. That should be enough time to succeed at work, at home, and at everything else that makes up a fulfilling life. Yet we always feel stretched too thin. Follow these steps to reclaim your time:

  • Don’t fall for time sucks. These are trivial activities that you keep doing because they’re comfortable. Limit yourself to a few hours of TV or gaming a week, to 30 minutes a day on Facebook, or to just one sports team.
  • Block off free time in chunks. An hour of play with your kids feels like more time than four distracted 15-minute interactions in between other stuff. Set aside real time for greater enjoyment, relaxation, and mindfulness.
  • Limit your technology use. Set limits such as “no screen hours,” letting everyone at work know the one time you’ll check email each night, and banning devices from the dinner table.

Adapted from “ Relax, You Have 168 Hours This Week” by Scott Behson.
