VALDOSTA — The Quality of Life Association celebrates black history month with a narrated living timeline showcasing many famous Black history figures of yesterday and today. The fundraising event titled, “All Shades Art Exhibit and…
Georgia’s DECAL awards Two-Generation Innovation grants
Release: ATLANTA, Ga., (June 5, 2020) - The Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) has awarded a total of $80,000 in grants to help community partnerships in five counties pilot or expand programs…
GA’s childcare and parent services expanding group workforce…
Release: ATLANTA, Ga., (May 1, 2020) – Georgia’s Childcare and Parent Services, or CAPS Program, is expanding its new priority group for the Essential Services Workforce during COVID-19 to include those who work within the…
GA State Superintendent submits open letter to schools,…
Release: Open letter from State School Superintendent Richard Woods to school districts, parents, students & teachers: We must choose compassion over compliance It has been one month since Georgia’s school buildings closed and transitioned to…