Governor Kemp, First Lady to visit Italy to…

ATLANTA - The Governor and First Lady of Georgia announces an international mission to Italy to strengthen economic ties. Release: Governor Brian P. Kemp and First Lady Marty Kemp announced they will lead an international…

Georgia buys $10M in bonds to support Israel

ATLANTA - Governor Kemp announces that Georgia recently bought $10 million in Israeli bonds to support defense efforts against the Hamas regime. Release: Governor Brian P. Kemp announced he instructed the State Treasurer to buy…

Georgia legislation supports state veterans

ATLANTA - Governor Brian Kemp with leaders and lawmakers recently signed legislation to support Georgia veterans. Release: Governor Brian P. Kemp signed HB 414, SB 21, and HB 175 into law, accompanied by First Lady…

Kemp appoints Superior Court Judge

ATLANTA - Governor Brian Kemp announces the appointment to the Superior Court of the Coweta Judicial Circuit. Release: Governor Brian P. Kemp announced the appointment of the Honorable Erica L. Tisinger to the Superior Court…

$250M Georgia grant will help improve neighborhoods

ATLANTA - Governor Brian P. Kemp announced the creation of a $250 million "Improving Neighborhood Outcomes in Disproportionally Impacted Communities" grant program. Release: Governor Brian P. Kemp announced the creation of a $250 million "Improving…

Kemp extends gas tax suspension and supply chain…

ATLANTA – Governor Brian P. Kemp signed two executive orders to extend the suspension of gas tax and supply chain state of emergency. Release: Atlanta, GA – Today, Governor Brian P. Kemp signed two executive orders…