The Power of Taking Action Today

“We must all suffer from one of two pains: The pain of discipline today or regret tomorrow.” – Jim Rohn The biggest difference between these two pains is that discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs…

Minimizing Small Business Taxes in 2019

VALDOSTA, Ga. - Your business exists to serve a human need. The better you meet that need the more you grow, the more people you can serve and employ and the more lives you can…

How We Build Our Brains

By Curt Fowler “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”- Proverbs 23:7 Hey. I thought this column was about business! All you’ve been writing about is habits since the beginning of the…

How To Master Our Brain’s Autopilot

By Curt Fowler “If we are not growing, we are dying. Coasting is not an option.” Our brains look for the easiest path and stick to it. Think of a river flowing through deep banks.…

The Problem With Goals

By Curt Fowler “Focusing on big, audacious goals feels great. It distracts me from the work required.” So far on our habit learning journey, we’ve learned that our habits have made us who we are…

How Our Habits Make Us

By Curt Fowler “All our life so far as it has definite form, is but a mass of habits – practical, emotional, and intellectual – systematically organized for our weal or woe, and bearing us…

Track These to Reach Your Goals

“What is measured improves.” – Peter Drucker As a leader, you may not know it, and nobody may have told you, but you are paid to predict the future. Banks, shareholders, bosses, contributors, investors and…