GDOL completes past year’s UI claims at an…

Release: GDOL Announces More Than 95% Payment Rate for Eligible Regular UI Claims Atlanta, GA – The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) paid over 450,000 Georgians last week more than $265 million in unemployment insurance…

VA mobile vet center coming to Wiregrass Tech…

Release: Valdosta, GA – The Veterans Administration Mobile Vet Center will be on the Valdosta Campus of Wiregrass Georgia Technical College on Wednesday, July 22 from noon – 4:00 pm.  The Vet Center will meet Wiregrass Tech…

Unemployment Benefits Expands as Claims Increase

ATLANTA, Ga. — Unemployment claims have nearly doubled in the past week in response to the coronavirus pandemic. According to the Henry Herald, Governor Brian Kemp has responded to the claims spike by allowing the…