LOWNDES CO - FEMA announces that Disaster Recovery Centers in Lowndes and Coffee Counties to close permanently this week. Release: The Disaster Recovery Centers (DRC) in Coffee and Lowndes counties are set to close permanently…
Business > How to Value your Business
Chip Harp, Valdosta Today Business Editor: Here are the three most common ways professionals calculate how much a business is worth: Asset Approach: This method basically determines a business’ value by adding up the sum…
Georgia > Obama Budget includes Funds for Savannah…
SAVANNAH -- The White House budget includes $21.05 million for the deepening of the Savannah River Harbor. This, plus another $21 million provided by the US Army Corps of Engineers is proposed currently for the…
Business > The 40-hour Work Week
David Cain, Business Insider The Real Reason for the 40-hour Work Week I’ve only been back at work for a few days, but already I’m noticing that the more wholesome activities are quickly dropping out…
Business > Study Shows Savannah River Port Expansion…
SAVANNAH -- According to a report, the Savannah River has enough room to accommodate Georgia and South Carolina adding another port terminal upstream from the current Port of Savannah. Both states were presented with a…
Business > Bedtime Routine is Important
Harvard Business Review: Set a Bedtime and Stick to It for Better Productivity Many of us don’t get enough sleep. And this isn’t just an inconvenience – it worsens our mood, weakens our memory, scatters…
Bush > What You Should Do About Insurance…
Stacy Bush, Valdosta Today Financial Contributor: Divorce can be an emotionally and financially challenging life event. In the face of the many possible adjustments divorce entails, making changes to insurance coverage may be overlooked. Here’s…
Bush > Estate Management Checklist
Stacy Bush, Valdosta Today Financial Contributor: Do you have a will? A will enables you to specify who you want to inherit your property and other assets. A will also enables you to name a…
Business > Words of Advice
Harvard Business Review: What's the most useful bit of advice you've ever received? Harvard Business School posed that question to a panel of business experts: Nancy Koehn, Frank Cespedes, Max Bazerman, Mitch Weiss, and Dan Koh.