//Free LHS Student Spirit Bus to Atlanta Friday

Free LHS Student Spirit Bus to Atlanta Friday

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LOWNDES – Students who want to go to the Lowndes High School Vikings football game Friday night but don’t want to drive to Atlanta and brave the traffic and spend their own gas money have a chance to go for free.

Friday, November 30, the Lowndes High School spirit bus will travel to Denmark High School in Alpharetta to take on the Milton Eagles. Kick-off is scheduled for 7:30 p.m.

To be part of the Viking quest for a State title, LHS will provide a spirit bus to transport student fans to the game. There is no charge for transportation; however, all students must purchase a game ticket in advance from the school store. Student tickets are $13. Students riding the spirit bus will also need money for dinner and snacks at the game.

The student spirit bus will leave Friday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. Students riding the spirit bus must complete a parent permission form. Permission forms may be picked up in the main office and returned by Friday morning at 8:15 a.m. Space is limited, so be sure to get your permission form and game ticket early.