The Marine Too Tough To Die

EDITORIAL - The idea of someone throwing himself on a grenade in a wartime situation, to save the lives of his friends, has long since passed into something of legend. I mean those kind of…

What’s Good About It?

EDITORIAL - I can vividly remember the day I went blind in my left eye like it was yesterday, even though it's going on 30 years ago now. It happened early one Saturday morning, just a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving,…

How To Be Your Own Biggest Fan

EDITORIAL - There’s no getting around it. If you want to lead a happy life, and certainly if you ever want to reach your full potential, you must believe in yourself. I mean think about it.…

How To Overcome Fear In Five Simple Steps

EDITORIAL - President Franklin Delano Roosevelt once famously made a speech in which he said,  "The only thing we have to fear is, is fear itself." Well, with all due respect to the president, I…

Why I Still Compete And Think You Should…

EDITORIAL - Recently, I successfully completed another half-marathon. Heavy winds and thunderstorms could not stop me. And while I was tired afterward, I also felt great. You know why?Because I'm still out there competing. Long…

The Man Who Would Not Quit

EDITORIAL - Among the many inspirational people in American history, perhaps one of the most inspiring is President Abraham Lincoln. In his lifetime, he faced numerous major setbacks, yet persevered to reach major triumphs. He…

How Determined Are You?

EDITORIAL - So what exactly does it mean to be determined? Well, according to, determination is: (a) a firmness of purpose; resolve (b) a fixed intention or resolution. The common denominator being resolved to the achievement…

Nothing Happens Until You Take Action

EDITORIAL - In August of 2004, I received a phone call from my mother asking if I had heard the news yet. Alberto Christini had just swum from Alcatraz Island to San Francisco with both his hands and…