//Isakson Flips On Syria Stance, Will Vote ‘No’

Isakson Flips On Syria Stance, Will Vote ‘No’

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us-capitolU.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., today issued the following statement on a resolution to authorize a U.S. military strike on Syria. The resolution, S.J.Res.21, is expected to come to the Senate floor for consideration early this week.

“After carefully weighing this very important issue, I have decided that I will vote against the resolution to authorize a U.S. military strike in Syria.

“Over the past week, I have traveled my state and have talked personally to hundreds of Georgians. Thousands more constituents have contacted my office by phone and email. It is clear to me that Georgians overwhelmingly oppose our country getting involved militarily in Syria.

“The administration’s lack of a clear strategy is troubling, and the potential fallout following a military strike is also troubling.”