Gov. Nathan Deal today announced that Georgia’s net tax collections for the month of April 2013 totaled $1.73 billion for an increase of $201 million, or 13.2 percent, compared to April 2012. Year-to-date, net revenue collections totaled $14.1 billion for an increase of $808 million, or 6.1 percent, compared to the same point last year.
Individual Income Tax collections for April totaled $1.01 billion — up from $805 million in April 2012 — for an increase of nearly $210 million, or 26.1 percent.
Net Sales and Use Tax collections for April totaled nearly $417 million — down from $482.5 million in April 2012 — for an overall decrease of $65.5 million, or -13.6 percent.
Corporate Income Tax: Corporate Income Tax collections for April increased nearly $50.5 million, up from a total of $68 million in April 2012 to $118.5 million in the current year.