Madison County, FL- Improvements to six miles of U.S. 90 in Madison County from the Jefferson County line to U.S 221 in Greenville will begin June 3.
This Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) project includes resurfacing the roadway as well as side street entrances. Also, the project upgrades drainage pipes at seven driveways and guardrail at four locations. The bridges over the Aucilla and Little Aucilla rivers will have new joint material installed to maintain the flexibility of the bridge decks.
Motorists can expect daytime lane closures weekdays after 8:30 a.m. with flaggers directing traffic.
In addition to the resurfacing, a 100-foot section of roadway just east of Southwest Georgia Pacific Way will be completely rebuilt. A stabilizing grout will be injected into the roadway at this location and also at the foundation at the approaches to the Aucilla River Bridge to reduce the maintenance required in these areas. The thickness of the asphalt on the curve just east of Spaniel Way will also be increased to help improve the ability of motorists driving through the curve to maintain the posted speed limit.
APAC Southeast Inc. of Jacksonville has been hired to complete the $1.8 million project in 90 work days or about three months, barring unforeseen conditions including bad weather.
An average of 2,050 vehicles travels this section of U.S. 90 each day, which was last resurfaced in 1999.