Moody AFB > Pilot Earns Award for Valor

MOODY AFB -- Showing great heroism or achievement during combat is the meaning of the Air Force Distinguished Flying Cross.  A Moody AFB Pilot did just that is saving lives in Afghanistan. [caption id="attachment_20475" align="alignright"…

Valdosta > Annual Bird Supper Success

VALDOSTA -- On Wednesday, Jan. 28, Valdosta and Lowndes County held their annual Bird Supper in Atlanta, Georgia. The Bird Supper began more than 50 years ago and has evolved tremendously since. The original supper was a…

Georgia > Scott Named to Ag Subcommittees

WASHINGTON, DC – House Agriculture Committee Chairman, K. Michael Conaway of Texas, today announced the Agriculture Subcommittee assignments for Georgia Congressman Austin Scott. Congressman Scott is Chairman of the Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy, and…

Alzheimer’s > My Friends House at VSU

VALDOSTA -- Georgia News Network’s John Clark talked with Dr. Dorothy Dye, Executive Director of Valdosta State’s Alzheimer’s Daycare Program at My Friend’s House in Valdosta. Dr. Dye discussed the work they do there to…

Wisenbaker > NCLB: Alexander’s Push to Leave it…

Gary Wisenbaker, Valdosta Today Editorial Director: The cacophony of the November elections and post-election braying is now a memory. The pomp and circumstance of inaugurals and related speeches are also in the rearview mirror. Now…